
This website is a tribute to Apple and its legacy.

madeApple aims to introduce an orderly place with a lot of data about Apple products. We publish structured, detailed, and based on availability specifications of all kinds of Apple products to provide visitors with a powerful tool to track all products in one place.

The data published on our site is collected manually and is based on the official manufacturer’s documentation, reviews, specialized forums, archival magazines, real videos, and photos. Our visitors can also contribute to the information on the website by contacting us directly with suggestions, missing details, or typos via the contact form.

The information on this website is provided “as is, as available” without warranty of any kind. madeApple is not responsible for any neglect, inaccuracies, or errors in the information it publishes. All warranties with respect to this information are disclaimed.

Reproduction of any part of this website in its entirety or partially or in any form or medium without prior written permission is prohibited.

This site is in no way affiliated with Apple Inc. Keep in mind that Apple® and Apple logo® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.